So the sale has just begun. And yes, I went to the nearest Lush store and bought a few of their limited edition products. Plus, for half the price, you can purchase things that were made before October. Nice, eh?
Magic Wand
I wanted to try this out last year, but I found it too expensive. I wasn't very sure if I really wanted to buy this, but then I was like why the heck not, so I gave it a go, and it came back home with me.
If you haven't already know, it smells exactly like Snow Fairy. Plus, I really like that little bell on it.
Angel's Delight
I love its colours and smell. It literally smells as sweet as gummy bears!
Shine So Bright
These hair treatments were made before October so I could get them for half the original price. To be honest, I don't know anything about it, only that it's good for dry hair and split ends. The girl in the store recommended this after she took a look at my hair. The ends of my hair are very dry and split easily, so I hope it's going to be as good as she said.
Snow Fairy
I don't think I should say anything about it. It smells the same but it's got a new look. Adorable in every way. It's their best Christmas product and I can't wait to use it :)
Did you purchase their limited edition Christmas products? I'm sure there's some kind of sale wherever you live, so go and get some of them while they're avalaible!